Although this illustration above did not make 1st place it is my personal favorite :-P Notice the special snack at the fire, heh. You can check out the rest of this years artwork and final results here.
Last night after a frustrating assault run of the Supplies Recovery mission which we lost to 5 times before winning, and some MMMs with Bayni, Floppymonster, Donkielicious, Foulei, Capession and myself I went to the Nomad Moogle to break my level up to 80 as well as start on the quest for my Assault rank up. I lost on the assault rank up test so I have to try again sometime today. As for leveling to 80, I've decided to take my Paladin job up first. Truth be told, in the last several months I've been having a lot of fun on Paladin more than the other two level 75 jobs I got. Yes, Thief was and will always be my first job I've leveled, then at midway through levels I got so hooked on Warrior I took that to levle 75 first at the time, with Paladin in tow as my third job to 75. Talk about a roller coaster ride!
Foulei and I did some surfing around FFXI threads and forums over the update in terms of armory and items. The majority of them are noteworthy as well as looking into, whereas others are in question. Here is an example:
Here is a list of the entire Pearle armor set, here
Pretty impressive stuff, right? Now as you can see the leggings are good compared to the Unicorn Leggins which I currently have. It's a tough call though simply because I just had the U.Leggings made by a friend and it's signed no less. Additionally, I have a set of Hecatomb Leggings I use as a macro piece for both Thief and Warrior weaponskills. If I did not have the U.Leggings and Heca-feet I would consider these as an overall alternative. However, this would be good to have for Paladin and I'm sure they will be handy with the other jobs that can use them. Heck, if anything the entire set would be a noteworthy set for a Paladin Damage Dealing set up as far as my opinion goes.
In some cases such as mine, I feel that what I have is not obsolete though some people will say otherwise. But why change something that is obviously not necessary? In other cases though and with other types of new armor and items out there from this update I can understand why certain pieces of armor would become no use. It's really a case-by-case situation with the new armor and weapons out there. Also, a lot of these new items are obtainable through running or attending the new add-ons so I do not see why one would buy these since players are putting them on the auction house for a fortune. You have to love the money sharks, huh?