1000 apologies everyone!
My lack of updates have a really good excuse though. I was laid off/letgo (it's really complicated) from my old job and I had to spend time to find a new one which I did back in November and I've been working ever since. I had a lot of adjusting to do though and some life changes were made because of the job change.
But I hope everyone is having a good start of 2010, the year of the RustyTiger (yes pun intended, heh). It's funny too since in Chinese culture I fall under the Year of the Tiger and I'm a Libra. A strange but interesting combination I assure you.
So not to stray off I hope you are all enjoying the updates SE is handing us so far. While I'm not too crazy about our level cap to 99 at this time it does leave many open doors and possibilities. My concern is the difficulty of players vs. mobs. As I said and SE has stated there will be a level cap of 99 but I'm told the mob difficulty will not be increased.
Aside from that there are many other things going on with this update that it's too much for words in a good way. And since it's been weeks now since the announcement, no need for me to post a link.
Again, forgive me everyone for not updating like I should but expect more to come in the next few days or weeks from now so continue to read on :)
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