Just got in from work. Busy as always, hot today too. Monday's static run continued, with ony 5 of us since our 6th couldn't make it in time. We did rather well; not too surprisingly since we had a good number of DDs. Pretty much everyone reached level 60 except for me :(. Its ok because they were cool with it and nothing like a good few sessions of Campaign Battles will get me a couple of K's worth of exp to lvl 59, on top of which I can skill up both sword and marksmanship, provided I don't participate via use of allied tags. It does beat going all over the place to skill up and trying to participate in Campagin Battles.
(Fraggles: DL, Visit, Rusty, Meatsheald)
(Fraggles: DL, Visit, Rusty, Meatsheald)
I managed to get a hold of Meatsheald about his aformeantioned leaving the game and the Fraggles Linkshell. Good news is he's not quitting the game. Bad news is he was kicked out of the Fraggles LS!! The reasons are unknown right now but I will get to the bottom of this. It does upset me and Visit that he's been kicked out without giving reason considering we've asked other members about it and either they don't know or some aren't being straight with us about it, considering Meatsheald is a good friend. On the brighter side, at least he didn't quit the game entirely.
Well, I'm off to go do some minor housework before I log on for CoP night. Ciao!
Well, I'm off to go do some minor housework before I log on for CoP night. Ciao!
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