I was talking with a galkan friend of mine, Coalheart, in regards to this a while back while doing a Campaign Battle together (pictured on the left in the upper picture). He simply said "If i can get it i'll shoot for it, if not, big deal, I've been wanting to get the Noble's Tunic for quite sometime, but you know what.....given my timeframe to play and the time it takes to obtain it through farming I just dont really care for it at all right now. Besides there's other stuff out there for gear anyways I can shoot for later."
You know I wish sometimes people who are all gear-crazy would take Coal's advice. Its bad enough this game tests real life friendships and relationships. I don't really blame the game itself, but the players behind it. Yes, it gets discouraging when a person is trying their hardest to get something but at the same time that can't be an excuse to get so bent up and emotional over it, and to a game no less! Really, people need to chill out about it! It's not worth stressing out and getting emo, let alone having your friends and loved ones outside the game scratch their heads wondering why you, the player, are so mad you want to throw your console or tv out the window.
:sigh: I swear sometimes I wish I made a MMO Consulting and Couseling Podcast lol.
Rant Mode Off:
Ok, now i feel better. This topic has been on my mind for the last few days and I needed to vent. There are other things, other news to go on about right now anyways.
First thing's first. On saturday the CoP static didn't do so hot with the Promyvion-Vhazl run. Many people were late, which really couldn't be helped since half the group is on a different time zone than the other half. A misunderstanding, assuringly speaking. What messed us up really was the boss fight. Both our teams, Party 1 and 2 (i was with party1) were so close to winning but we had some setbacks and lost entirely. At least the tough part is over; getting through the floors and beating the NMs while doing so. So tonight we're going to try it again but we dont have to go through all the floors now :)
No Monday static went down i'm afraid so my Thief job didn't progress with the group. Our Red Mage's husband was in the hospital all this past weekend so her and her daughter, our mithran Samurai couldn't get on. Totally understandable. Rwen, Ryabiele, I hope everything is ok with your husband/father. All i did was just level my cooking untill it was time for me to do assault runs for Foulei's character.
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