(thf full af, amoung many progress' made in the last few months. more on that later)
My biggest and sincere apologies for not updating my postings as I should. But unfortunately just a week after my last post my grandmother had passed away and I needed some time away from the internet, let alone Final Fantasy XI.
It was a rough road for a while. Still, there are days where I miss my grandma' but I'm sure she would want me and the rest of the family to continue with our lives. I will do just that.
My heartfelt thanks goes to my friends, both online and offline, who have been very supportive and understanding. The biggest thanks goes out to my partner, Foulei/Visit. He stuck with me every step of the way and had put up with my depression for the longest time up till now.
I did start back up with FFXI just about a month after my grandmother's passing. The group I was with to finish up CoP continued forward when I did make it back. After much trials and tribulations and LOTS of frustration, we all managed to finish CoP as of this month! Wow, 6 months of CoP whereas overall it took me about 4 years to get the commitment down and going through 4 static groups.
My thing with CoP; well, it was fun and I'd do it again if I had to start from sqare one with people who want to have a good time with it despite some of the mission difficulties. The downside to winning CoP came at a not-so-great price; two friends of mine who were a part of the static stopped being friends.
I wont say whom, out of respect for both of them since they are my friends. There have been some issues between them along with some drama with the other LS we're all with. A lot of tension had been mounting up to the point now where they don't speak to each other. I did my best to try to get them to talk and work out thier diffenences but alas, no go. It was thier choice not to. Granted, I'm dissapointed this happened, but it happened. And if they don't want to iron out thier problems with each other, it is what it is. Maybe it was meant to be.
So while me and the gang did beat CoP, I can't help but feel a bit....empty about achieving this victory. Best thing to do right now is just continue on with the game and have fun with Foulei and my friends.
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