(3 out of 5 Homams^^. Many thanks to CoJ members for this!)I've become quite the popular Galka these past several weeks not to mention I have people who come through for me as well.
Granted I've been extremely busy since my last update offline, whenever I have been online I've accomplished a lot for both my friends and myself.
But before I get to that I do want to talk about July's update. I like it and hate it; more pros than cons at the very least. Granted I haven't messed with Kupo'De'Tat (if that's spelled right lol) just yet my pals tell me the rewards are pretty sweet and I still have yet to decide which reward I want for either my Thief or Paladin.
The Union addition to Campaign Battles is really nice and the new armors are good, despite some people's misgivings about some of them. Also, the new Blue Mage spells and Ninja Abilities are decent according to what people have told me if used properly.
The major con I have with the update are two things. Firstly, the annoying unforseen agrro of some mobs WHILE there's a campaign battle going on, particularly the
Greater Amphiptere in Xarcabard (s). Secondly, the Greater Amphitere's period :-P Last I checked if you're engaged in Campagin no mobs that don't have anything to do with Campagin don't bother you. I guess SE watned to be evil this time :-P. For now I just avoid that area.
Now, as for what's been happening of late. Children of Jenova, the Limbus linkshell I'm with has been quite busy since we formed a merger with another LS. Now that we have enough members we started to push forward with events. We banged out tons of Proto Omega, and now have started to do Temenos floors again. Granted, the merger process was a little rough at first but understand that, yes, sometimes sacrifices are ment to be for the greater benefit for everybody.
I think we'll be ok overall.
I started doing Nyzul again. Foulei, Atherine, and Hidetata wanted to help me with floor progression. So far, with effort we managed to get from 19-40 in a matter of a week or two.
In addition I went back to leveling Paladin again, which, now, is level 62^^.
(Fighting a boss on floor 20; Fafnir.) I've been called upon lately on my paladin. I guess it goes with the territory. I'm glad really because it gives me the chance to practice tanking, which has improved immensely. And believe me, I WILL have my exp capped to its fullest once its level 75 because I got this nagging feeling my Paladin will be "abused". Heh.
(bcnm 60. good tanking practice i gotta say)So July has been rather fruitful in both doing a lot of things with friends and progression. This galka is finally going places once again!
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