This week has been good; hectic, but good. I threw in this little comic illustration for two reasons. One is because Foulei and I went to a comic book store this week and well, did some shopping there. I know things are tight right now due to the economy but we really needed to do this for once since we've been so strung up on FFXI for weeks, so it was good to get out and do something and we haven't picked up any comics in months, and for him its been a few years. The books we both got were well worth the cash since they were well worth reading. ^^
The other reason for the image is after much saving up on gil, selling things and a very generous donation from Foulei, I bought the Juggernaught Axe for my Warrior. Out of all things, it has been the most sought after item out of anything else. I also bought a Magnet Knife for my good ol' Thief, per advice from Zidaneii, my fellow Thief friend and, yes, mentor (there Zid, i said it! happy? lol).
Both weapons are great, moreso the Magnet Knife; good for farming if you run into any trouble since it slows down the movent of the mob you would be fighting, the damage is really sweet-it shows on Sneak Attack/Trick Attack-and even though there's a -10 on Evasion it doesn't really effect anything if you have Evasion capped, close too capped level (ex; 5 lvls) or merits. Its a very well rounded knife if you don't have the "big guns" such as Siccoro Kukri, or Blau Dolch.
Back to Zidaneii for a bit now. On friday we had our usual Dynamis event. I log on and out of nowhere Kamille and Zideneii request I come as Thief. I'm like "oh no...they want me to act as puller for the linkshell, joy...". I was ambivalent because we were going to do Dynamis Beaucidine and since i'm still in training i didn't want to do the dreamlands areas since they're more time senitive. I got lucky and we ended up doing Dynamis Bastok instead since the other zone had been taken by another group.
I did enjoy being puller in a dynamis zone this time as opposed to last time so I'm kinda getting the hang of it. Zid' said I'm doing fine but I pull too slow. I will have to work on speeding it up. He's a good teacher, though he likes to poke fun at me, which is fine. It gives me a sense of humor behind his helping me out with theif and he has been very helpful :)
Well, I hope everyone has had a good holiday, The 4th of July :) Foulei and I did for sure. We went to a cookout at a friend's house to celebrate Independance Day as well as her Birthday. We had a good time.
I hope you all did too :)
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