As you can see, CoJ faced up to Proto-Ultima. Every time I hear that name I feel like i'm fighting a really tough Mega Man X boss (damn you to tell Sigma!!). The old days! Foward, we took on Proto-Ultima twice and lost to it twice. Boo! While our first time at fighting it was rather rocky-to be expected for first timers-the second time went extreamly well to us getting it down to 1% vs. 45% prior. That's a really good feat in my opinion.
To the linkshell members who've attended so far, please, please don't give up and don't be discouraged. Keep in mind that we're starting out on doing big events like this ourselves rather than sign up with other groups. That's a good thing. Yes, were going to have tough losses, yes we'll have to repeat stuff over till we get it right. Other groups had to start somewhere and do the same thing, trust me.
The 2nd fight ended rather funny for good ol' Rusty though. We were trying to go all out to finish it off at the 1% mark so I went and did a SATA+Warrior's Charge WS on it. I sure got it's attention because it did Antimatter to my FACE; 2130 pts damage 0.o
As far as some of you know, through chats on Skype with me and Foulei and even on game chat, him and I have mentioned WaWa on countless times. I noticed many of you asked "what's a WaWa???" Well, look no further! I promised you cats some pictures. So, here you go!

And that's the grand tour of Wawa!
The past week or so have been productive online. I completed all of the Ninja scroll quests. Yay! I'm so happy I got my gilz back from when I was leveling Ninja to 37. I was rather lazy in questing them at the time and Foulei had given me his Utsusemi scroll that he had extra of anyway. It's good timing that I got the scrolls and some gil back because, franky, Limbus has left a lot of people strapped.

I also got thief to 68, 7 more levels to 75, whoohoo!! Frankly in this, I want to thank SE for the wonderful Level Sync and Foulei for the go-ahead to level on further just for the fact that I can Level Sync down to his Dancer, which I want to do. It would be great to have his Dancer leveled. He's worked so hard on it! I was, at first, very jealous that he surpassed me on Red Mage, I admit. But now I'm proud that he's done so.
He was right in saying that I should focus on one job at a time, but if possible only work on two, no more than that; hence Warrior and Thief for now. I had wasted time trying to level multiple jobs when I first started playing but not get any results with my Warrior, which now I have to finish leveling Samurai to 37 for the sake of better Damage Dealing. Lesson learned.
He was right in saying that I should focus on one job at a time, but if possible only work on two, no more than that; hence Warrior and Thief for now. I had wasted time trying to level multiple jobs when I first started playing but not get any results with my Warrior, which now I have to finish leveling Samurai to 37 for the sake of better Damage Dealing. Lesson learned.
That's all for now folks. Untill next time, peace out!!
Love the post keep it up, Hey when you take Sc of me ; ;
During a campagin run, just after you had picked up your new RDM body peice ;)
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