Good news. Foulei and I saw the long-awaited Underwolrd 3; Rise of the Lycans on Saturday. It was a good movie, and probably the best werewolf special effects movie yet to me. The plot is more of a prequal to the first two movies, if nothing else.
It felt good to actually not be on the game doing something else for a change. We really haven't gone out much since the holidays. I'd like to think that Foulei and I still have lives outside of the game, which we do.
The bad news. Our Nyzul static didn't go through this today. Again. That's almost three weeks now :(. Two of our members, whom have been off and on the game due to thier college semester studies, haven't been on lately. I've been feeling frustrated because of this. While real life priorities take precidence, which I myself respect, the downside is we're not progressing like we should. So I've come up with a proposal to possibly recruit two new members into our group but we would have to see where our two buds game time situations lay before we come to an agreement. I would like for us to actually progress, not constantly cancel. And I for one certainly don't want to quit doing nyzul. Despite what people may think of my opinion, obtaining assault gear is a great substitute as opposed to obtaining the hard-to-obtain stuff out there from land gods and sky gods.
Anyway. Since our static run was canceled today and I felt frustrated I decided to just log out for today. It think it was for the best. It made no sense for me to get this way over a game so I used the best old fashioned method when dealing with a game that frustrates you; I turned it off.
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