Well, out with the old, in with the new.
It has been a rough year on personal standards offline but with the support of friends and relatives it has been endured. Many thanks to those who have been there for me think and through thin.
This year will be interesting, with many things to reflect on while doing so. After some....issues, the CoP Linkshell was reformed.
Out of respect of the members and those who went on their separate ways, I wont delve into the reason why things have changed. I want them to know this however: have fun. Enjoy the game and have fun to the best of your ability. While whatever choices you make will help you with whatever you want to do, know that my feelings have not changed and I will not think less of any of you. It's your 12.95 a month after all ;).
The reformation of the CoP ls has changed into what we now call Childeren of Jenova. I was rooting for other names like "Team Venture" or "Justice League of Vanadiel"(JLV) but it was too late :-/. Ah well, at least the pearl is blue. Hehe.
The purpose of the ls, right now, is Limbus and Sky. Now that we've gotten most of everyone through CoP, with only a few members left in tow, we're focusing on other things. We've been off to a rocky start but we've been progressing decently; deafeated Bahamut with only 11 people, doing ZNMs on the side, to name a few things. And while we've had or have differences we've worked things out like mature adults should be.
Things may change in the LS however. I have no doubt in my mind it will. Its not a bad thing if it is the case, its just is what it is. You have Linkshells go through so many changes, sometimes even disband and reform under numerous circumstances. However the important thing through rough transitions is to never forget your friends and those whom you work together with, espeically if they all do a good job. All the more better if an LS does stay as it is mind you ;).
Aside from that I've cashed in a few merits with Warrior so I've added in merits to my Axe and Great Axe merits along with a few Critical Hit bonuses to boot. And just today I had partied with some LS people: Foulei as Dancer, Danille as WHM, Arathas as Sam, Thelittlecrash as War, and Gengjosanzo as Corsair. However crash had to leave so we traded him in for a Paladin. We had fun leveling. I had gotten thief to now 67. Thanks so much guys :)!! You saved our Monday static some grief for us to level in Cadavar Meire haha.
Aside from all this not much else. The rest of this month and probably feburary I will focus on farming and doing quests to make some gil. Limbus has been exhausting as far as $ goes ; ;. And, perhaps, I'll start to level a new job; Blue Mage! We'll see. And we'll see what the new year will bring.