Monday, June 9, 2008

Hot day, in more ways than one~!

(right, during one of my early leveling days with the paladin job)

Today is hot, very hot as I'm writing this. It's 100 degrees!! Sheesh!!

Work, as usual, was ok, not great but ok. Thankfully it was quick today. It's one of the perks to the job I do in when time goes quickly.

Also, today is a hot day for ffxi players such as myself; the long-awaited June Update. And boy, there's tones of info, check it out here !!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

First introductions.

Hello. Rusty here! Nice to meet you all here if you're reading this. I've decided to make a little blogspot here for mainly my character on FFxi, Rustytiger. While I'll still continue to make postings on I felt i'd do it more frequently here, no apparent reason.

This blog page is still in the works of being completed to whatever design I'll give it so expect numerous changes though everything else such as my postings and images will remain intact. I'm still getting used to blogspot's publishing system :-P

That's all for now. See you again soon!
